“Almost 2 years ago now I got post – concussion syndrome from a fall in soccer and then soon after falling down some stairs. I went through a few previous therapies because I was experiencing light and noise sensitivity, a feeling of being in a fog and with that came anxiety. Because of these symptoms I was not able to be in a classroom, drive or be in other social situations. After being through the other therapies and not seeing a change I was pretty discouraged walking into the Dr’s office. At the beginning of the 12 days at the office I could already see a change. I went from not even thinking of going into a store to grocery shopping on day 8, which is definitely not something I expected to happen! After 30 days I genuinely felt so much better. Something had clicked in my brain and daily tasks became so much easier. Of course I was not fully back to myself after 30 days, but after a few months I was driving, attending college full time and had a part time job. I came back a little over a year later after some of my symptom came back because I knew this therapy helped me and it did the same again. I would and do highly recommend this treatment to anyone with post concussion syndrome or those in need of this therapy in other ways. It has changed my life for the better even though I never expected it to.” Abbie J.


It has not even been 60 days since we completed OMST, and my son has made tremendous gains. I personally noticed his speech improving and increased attention span when playing games at home, but did not fully realize his gains until a conference with his teacher. He has made huge academic gains!! I was so blown away; I was in tears. 

His teacher even commented, "Reading his profile at the beginning of the year, I would have never guessed he would make this many gains." His IEP team also reported increased legibility with his writing skills. Prior to OMST he would scribble. They also noted increased reading comprehension, and an increase in his attention span. He can stay at his desk with his peers longer while doing school work!

He is also improving with transitioning to and from the classroom. His school speech therapist commented that previously he would need multiple verbal cues to return to the classroom, now he only needs 1 verbal cue. Grandparents have also been commenting that they can now hear and understand him when he talks. 

I am forever grateful for my son to have the opportunity to participate in OMST. I am excited to see what further gains he will continue to make.

Tiffany C. (mom)

“I was in a roll-over accident in ’04. I have had problems on and off since then. I felt like my eyes were out of sync. Day 2 of the multi-sensory therapy unlocked my left eye and helped them sync. The therapy also helped my balance and brain fog issues. I had struggled with these issues since 2004 with little improvement. This integration therapy has helped me reclaim parts of my life and improved my ability to endure daily activities.”
Kurt S.

"My multi-sensory therapy at REA has dramatically improved my vision and coordination which was severely disrupted by severe brain injury when I was struck by a vehicle while walking in a crosswalk. I had extreme double vision and several other issues which seem to improve daily. I can now read, draw, and walk almost normally again. The care, expertise, and respect I have received have all been exemplary and astonishing."
John S.

“We have seen so many positive improvements in Nolan (age 5) since he started the multi-sensory training program.  At home and at school, we have seen an increase in his confidence, flexibility, and willingness to try new things outside of his comfort zone.  His reading skills have taken off, and he is already reading above grade level.  He is willing to try writing lower case letters now and is not so hard on himself when he makes mistakes.  He loves to do activities independently now that used to be way too frustrating for him before, such as completing a Lego set or playing an iPad game.  At home, it has been much easier to get his attention now and for him to carry out multi-step directions.  The morning routine is a breeze now!  His obsession with animals has become much less of a problem for him.  While his still loves this topic, he is showing interest in other things and will talk about other topics now.   His teachers are also reporting more socializing and more interest in peers, and his therapists are reporting great receptiveness to speech and social group therapy.  We were so nervous about what the transition to Kindergarten would bring for him, but things have gone much better than expected!  We believe that this multi-sensory training program, in conjunction with other therapies, has helped set him up for this success.”  

“In searching for solutions for my daughters difficulties…unexpected results of the therapy were, her balance, and being able to finally ride a bike, play sports because of improved hand eye coordination. And her over active constant movement became that of a normal active kid. She developed over time more ability to sit and focus for longer periods. The benefits were immediate and continued to progress for about six months to a year.” Angel M.

“I was involved in a serious car accident in February 2016 at the age of 62. After 2 weeks flat on my back in bed, in a dark room on pain medication, I began the slow process of recovery. I only left my home for doctor appointments and physical therapy for months afterward. I was constantly dizzy and light headed therefore restricted from driving. I went to several specialists, a psychologist for stress and trauma therapy, and physical therapy for the bodily injuries. The constant dizziness continued and on June 21st I fainted in my home, hitting my head resulting in a second concussion and re-injuring my neck. Months of physical therapy followed yet the dizziness and light headed feeling remained. Eventually, my physical therapists informed me that there was nothing more they could do to help me and felt there was a “disconnect” between my eyes and my brain. I was referred to Dr. Curtis for evaluation and his therapy for which I am very grateful!!

In my initial meeting, Dr. Curtis and his staff performed many visual examinations and tests and determined I was a candidate for OMST. The first 4 days of therapy my symptoms did increase as Dr. Curtis prepared me they would. Thereafter, however I felt better each day.

The therapy included light therapy, vestibular therapy, eye movement therapy and auditory training. It is an amazing procedure and it worked for me. I went into this treatment with a very positive attitude and much excitement as I felt I was finally on the right path to resolve the constant dizziness I had been dealing with since February. I highly recommend Dr. Curtis and his professional staff. They are very dedicated to their patients and certainly helped me resolve the dizziness from the accident. I am very grateful for their help.”
With Warm Regards,
Ruth S.

“I was referred due to having a concussion after a motor vehicle accident. I had never heard of this type of therapy, but I was open to try anything that could potentially get me back to my normal life. I completed the 30 day program at the end of August. I’m slowly transitioning back to work. My symptoms are not completely gone, but I’m better now than I was five months ago. I have spoke to many people about this program, including my primary care physician who is very interested in this therapy. This can benefit both children and adults.
Patricia H.

“Thanks to the multi-sensory training my life is returning to normal. Instead of struggling with dizziness five to six days per week. I have challenges only one to two days per week.”
Amy S.

“I did not understand how badly I felt until day six or eight of doing the “torture room” (OMST) and I then realized I had my personality back. I was depressed, self-absorbed and pushing through my dizziness, confusion, fear of driving, and going to stores, and tired all the time. The multi-sensory training was painful at my left eye and left side of face for the first few times. I just had to have faith that it was ok to finish the time. Slowly I felt better with less dizziness, confusion, eye pain and at 90 days later I can see how far I have come. I have been driving 5-10 miles from home without difficulty. I can read more without eye pain and dizziness. Two weeks after the therapy I thought I was 90% better, but I still remember how bad it was. My mind is clearer. My dizziness is gone. I’m reading and comprehending better (in a quiet room) I feel like I have much of my independence back and I’m not waiting for another adult to help me care for me or my family.”
Kelly P.

“I had been been dealing with headaches, pressure, and intense light sensitivity for about six months following a concussion that I experienced during a high school basketball game. My symptoms made simple every day tasks difficult and restricted me a lot. I had to be careful not to over exert myself or my headaches especially with skyrocket. Most of all I couldn’t be active at all or play any of the sports I love because my headaches and pressure made it impossible. But when a couple of therapists I had worked with for a while felt like they couldn’t do anything more for me, they referred me to the multi-sensory training program and that’s when I first started to see marked improvement in my symptoms and an increase in what I could do daily. By the conclusion of therapy, I felt dramatically better. The intensity of my headaches have been cut in half, the pressure in my head was all gone, and my light sensitivity problems were also greatly reduced. I continued to work once a week in vision therapy for the next 12 weeks. By about the 10th week, all my symptoms were gone with just a slight headache every once in a while, and I was finally cleared to play basketball again after 10 months of concussion rehab.” Anthony C

“I was referred 5 months after a concussion derailed my life. At that time I was extremely sensitive to light and sound which made it nearly impossible to watch TV or go to places with bright lights and loud noises. I couldn’t navigate my phone or computer without causing extreme eye fatigue and migraines. It was nearly impossible to read a book or look at my computer screen, which meant I had to lighten my workload drastically to avoid symptoms. I was carsick and could not focus on the road while driving. Trying to process everything to drive safely would cause a strain and severe headaches. It also made me feel so exhausted that I avoided driving almost everywhere except the 2 miles to work each day. Since the 30 days of multi sensory training, I am less sensitive to light and sound which means I can tolerate periods of watching TV and able to go out to stores and restaurants in small doses without spiking my symptoms. I can work on my computer and phone for longer periods of time which means I can phase back into my work responsibilities. I also feel more comfortable driving, which is huge! Even though I am not 100% I’ve made great strides towards living a normal life again I am optimistic that continue treatment here will help facilitate even more improvements. Thanks for the opportunity to live my life again.” Caroline D.